1. No, the other way around. The audio is 100% fine, the subs are not created by me, but by ITV itself. As the race was brodcasted live, the subs can’t sync nicely.

  2. That’s because his team was blocking everyone else off and keeping Wiggins at the front, it’s easy to win a tour when nobody else goes on the attack like it was the case this year

  3. Bradley Wiggins also had the quickest time over all the other stages combined as well, so he would’ve won without the time trials (albeit because of Froome’s puncture early in the tour).

  4. Think again. Bradley Wiggins won the Tour this year simply because he won both time trials.

  5. nothing brave about the attack. As always the Schleck sisters ride as a pair. When interviewed after the stage Frank S said that plan A was that the other GC contenders would chase Mandy down, tiring in the process, then Frank would counter attack and get away. They didnt and Mandy stayed away to win, which was plan B. It would have been a brave do-or-die attack if any other rider had done it, but not one half of a pair. They will not win a GT until they can break their umbilical cord.

  6. it probably isnt hard to be a decent pro in the USA but all the important races are in Europe and here it’s much harder

  7. I’m not sure what I shouldn’t care about, but Yeah, I understand that. And as much as I love cycling, I don’t think it’s the hardest to get into.

  8. you shouldn’t care about that, but do you realize how much you have to love to this in order to handle the sacrifice you will make?
    this is probably the hardest sport you can get in to

  9. One of the best stages in recent history. 2012 TDF was pretty uneventful without the schlecks/contador battles.

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